Welcome to "Taylor Talks Mental Health!"
I am so excited to start this blog, and excited to see what conversations I can bring to the table. My purpose in creating this blog is to spread awareness of social issues affecting mental health, bring forward current events, discuss different topics and groups affected by mental illness, and, ultimately, promote change. On a personal, level, too I want to understand the social climate of our world as it is today. I want to see a change in my community and in myself. And if I, myself, am not aware of different perspectives, events, and topics, how can I urge others to do be?
I have always loved writing and reading, so this seems a fitting atmosphere to take my first step at change. And, in complete honesty, I have also always loved talking, as well. I am incredibly talkative and enthusiastic - especially when it's something I'm really interested in. In school, this might be the last book we read or the last test we took. With my friends, it may be the last Tik Tok I saw or dream or idea I had. So, being such a talkative person in other regards, I now want to bring my voice to something pressing in our society.
A blog, as I see it, is a place where I can share all these thoughts and ideas - and on something that really matters. Because mental health does really matter. In you, in students, in adults, in other communities and other countries. Everywhere.
Let's start learning together now. Let's start the conversation now.
Thanks for reading,
Taylor Hay :)